B day final Health Mr. Villanelle and exercise plan

Due 3:00 PM
Physical Education Final - DUE MAY 29th! (Friday)
100 points

Evan Villareale May 26
Please finish your final by May 29th!!! YOU CAN ONLY HAND IT IN ONCE!!
Please make sure that you review everything because once the form is open and then submitted there is no changing of answers and you will not be able to go back.


Step 1: Make a fitness goal. (25 points) This goal needs to be a short term goal that can be accomplished within 2 months. Why are you choosing this goal? (Be able to write 1 paragraph on why you are choosing this as your goal.)

Step 2: How are you going to achieve this goal? (25 points) What steps will you have to take to reach this goal, is this cardiovascular or a strength goal?

Step 3: Based on the exercises you have learned in class this year create a workout plan. Be realistic, your workout plan shouldn’t be 20-30 minutes. Please use this link to help you with finding exercises that will fit your plan. https://darebee.com/workouts.html (30 points)

Step 4: Why do you think this is a good fitness plan for your goal? Your answer must be at least one paragraph. (20 points)


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