
Showing posts from May, 2020

B Day Math Pre-Calc Mr. Mui Summer plans

Today is Thur 5/28 “A” or Fri  5/29 “B”  Day DO NOW:  (Please provide a serious answer for attendance purposes.  A full sentence or two is required; one word answers are NOT acceptable.) We are winding down the school year! What will you be looking forward to doing during the summer? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stay Safe  &  Have a Great Summer.  Good Luck in your new school/college !

B day final Health Mr. Villanelle and exercise plan

Due 3:00 PM Physical Education Final - DUE MAY 29th! (Friday) 100 points Evan Villareale May 26 Please finish your final by May 29th!!! YOU CAN ONLY HAND IT IN ONCE!! Please make sure that you review everything because once the form is open and then submitted there is no changing of answers and you will not be able to go back. Questions: Step 1: Make a fitness goal. (25 points) This goal needs to be a short term goal that can be accomplished within 2 months. Why are you choosing this goal? (Be able to write 1 paragraph on why you are choosing this as your goal.) Step 2: How are you going to achieve this goal? (25 points) What steps will you have to take to reach this goal, is this cardiovascular or a strength goal? Step 3: Based on the exercises you have learned in class this year create a workout plan. Be realistic, your workout plan shouldn’t be 20-30 minutes. Please use this link to help you with finding exercises that will fit your plan.

B Day Bio Presentation Final Mr. Benedict

Final Exam Instructions: As the last part of your final exam portfolio , you will put your project together as a whole as a presentation ( starting from your work DL-content 23-DL-content 24.) This can be in the format of powerpoint/ slides,  video, or some other means that you can be creative with, but you will be graded on the quality of your work according to the rubric ( which was given as part of DL- content 23) You started your project in DL- Content # 23 through DL-content # 27 /28 for your final portfolio project. You are able to copy and paste or use the information you wrote in these DL- contents to compile your final project. You should not have to do any research at this point as you have done all the work these past few weeks. Please have an opening page, and include photos or visuals in your final project presentation. I have graded your work for these past few weeks for  DL-content #23 to DL-Content # 27 that you have been working on as part of your final...

B Day History Final Mr. Urbankowski

Urbankowski.United States History II B 4-5 Due 2:30 PM DL-FinalExam-Final2 100 points Ready to Learn Daniel Urbankowski 12:01 AM Have you submitted your Final Exam? If not, say no and submit it now! If yes, say yes and enjoy the rest of your week! I just want to say that it's been an absolute privilege and a pleasure teaching you this year. I know that we didn't finish the school-year as we had originally intended, but you still have every reason to hold your head up high and be proud of all we've accomplished and learned throughout this unprecedented period. In a weird way, the COVID-19 pandemic is probably the ultimate History lesson, and I hope that this class has helped you make sense of this whole situation in some way, shape, or form. I also hope that at the very least, this class (as well as this entire pandemic) galvanizes you to become an active participant in the history of the United States, even if it's just by voting or helping out in your com...

B day ART FINAL Ms. Latessa Your art final is due

Due 3:00 PM ART FINAL Ms.  Latessa Your art final is due at the end of the week. It is YOUR choice. Have fun and be creative! comment questions or email me if you have any concerns. XOXO

Computer Science Do Now Favorite Song; Final choose 5 programs

Final Exam (Programing Practice) Part-3 Attempt any 5 programs and You can use the codeskulptor and submit programming codes. 1. Write a program that takes a grade  from the user and displays if the grade is less than or equal to 60“you are fail ”. score = raw_input ("Enter Grade:") sco = int (float(score)) if score < 0.60          print "you are fail" 2. Write a program that takes a number from the user and displays a message if the number is not equal 500, Message: “Your number is not equal to 500”. x = input ("Enter a number") y = int(x) if y <> 500          print "Your number is not equal to 500" 3. Write a program that takes two numbers from the user and display its sum and multiplication result. num1 = int(input("Enter First Number: ")) num2 = int(input("Enter Second Number: ")) result = num1 + num2 print(num1, '+' , num2, ":", result) result = num1 * num2 print(num1,...

A Day THU English Career research : Name, School, exams

Due 2:30 PM DL-Do Now Careers- May 28 100 points Cassandra Casella 7:13 AM 1-Name the career you chose on Tuesday. 2-Does this career require schooling (college, trade school, etc.)? 3- Do you need to pass any exams to work in this career (Examples, teachers must pass the Praxis Exam)?

Wed. B Day Do Now Ms. Manzoor Color Final Later 10A-230p

*Today, the first two parts of the Final Exam will be given. Final Exam Part 1: Computer Vocabulary Final Exam Part 2: Multiple Choice question *Time limit: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM (Both will be posted/Active at 10:00 AM) *Must be submitted with in the time limit. Late submission will be considered zero. Q: What is your favorite color?

Wed. Biology Final Day 6 Portfolio Mr. Benedict Do Now Affect Humans

Do Now Provide examples of organisms that effect humans. Classwork Name _______________________ Biology  Final Portfolio/ Project Day 6 of the final portfolio project: Discuss your organism ( the one you selected in DL- dontent 23) according to what is being asked below, make sure to reflect your knowledge from your research and the class. Category III. F. Importance to humans Why is your organism important to humans ( ex: is it used for studies ,agriculture, research, domestication,socialization etc)?  



Math Pre-Calc A Day Tuesday Do Now Date Value Mr. Mui

DO NOW:  Today is Tue 5/26 “B”  Day “LOWEST” Date Value We were introduced to this type of calculation last week; One way dates are written is  MM-DD-YYYY If you CALCULATE the “value”  using “dash, -” as subtraction, WHICH DATE on NEXT YEAR’s calendar will have the LOWEST possible value?  What is this lowest value equal to?? Make sure you write the date and  SHOW the final value !   -- - --- - ----   = _____________________ {JUST THINK!  It’s easy!!}  example: 5-26-2021 = -2042

A Day bioTUESDAY DL Bio Mr. Benedict DL 27 Diploid v. Haploid Organism research

DO NOW What is the difference between haploid and diploid? Class work  Name _______________________ Biology  Final Portfolio/ Project Day 5 of the final portfolio project: Discuss your organism ( the one you selected in DL- content 23) according to what is being asked below, make sure to reflect your knowledge from your research and the class. Category III. Genetics What is a genome ? Is your organism haploid or diploid. Describe the differences. Are genetic studies done using organisms? Why?   Is your organism used for genetic studies. Give an example? What are genes and what is their importance? How do genes apply to your organism? What is epigenetics? How does epigenetics affect your organism?

A Day English Due 2:30 PM DL-Do NowCareer Research- Ms.Casella

Due 2:30 PM DL-Do Now and Assignment- Career Research-May 26 Ms.  Casella 7:34 AM Students, As Marking Period 4 is about to be over, I wanted to give you a chance to explore some career options so you have an idea of what you will be doing after you graduate. For this week, we will focus on what you want to be when you grow up. I am allowing you to see each other's answers so you all have some idea of other options. Today's Questions: 1- What is your ideal career? 2- What is the average salary for your career? This website can help you.

B Day Math Mr. Mui Do Now due 2:30 PM

Today is Thur 5/21 “A” or Fri 5/22 “B”  Day READ CAREFULLY: * You STILL have to do DoNows EVERY DAY we have class since this is how we take attendance. * Part 2 of your final (PROBLEMS) has been assigned.  You have until this Friday, May 22, 2:30pm to complete it and turn it in.  IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MANAGE YOUR TIME and TO TURN IT IN ON TIME!! ****   CHEATING WILL RESULT in a ZERO (see below).   **** * Some of you continue to cheat by copying work (or giving it to) others.  You will BOTH earn zeros and this could result in you failing for the YEAR.  It is YOUR responsibility; accept the consequences of any poor decisions. DO NOW:  Thur 5/21 “A” or Fri 5/22 “B”  Day Value of your “Birthdate” Birthdates are most commonly written as MM/DD/YYYY   or MM-DD-YYYY WRITE your birthdate below BOTH ways AND then CALCULATE the “values”  using “slash, /” as division and “dash, -” as subtraction: -- / -- / ----   = ...

English Soundtrack Manchild in the Promised Land Ms. Casella

English 3 A 8-9 A 8-9 Due 2:30 PM: 6 more songs DL- Do Now- May 20 Ms. Casella 7:48 AM Thursday 1) Beginning Manchild in the Promised Land by Claude Brown life in the promised land of New York turned out to be much harder than the migrants had imagined.  Claude  -- known as Sonny to his friends and in the book -- was expelled from school at 8, admitted to a street gang at 9, shot in the leg during a burglary at 13 and confined to a reform school at 14. 2) Sonny's overall Personality: Future - Life Is Good (Official Music Video) ft. Drake Although Sonny spends his teen years committing various crimes and being sent to reform schools, he is smart enough to realize that this behavior will lead to a permanent criminal record. He also sees that his gang friends tend to end up in prison, strung out on drugs, or dead, like his female friend Sugar and his younger brother Pimp.   3) Sonny's Friend's personality: Lecrae - All I Need Is You (Lyric Video) A major posi...

A Day Computer Science Manzoor Due 2:30 PM

IMPORTANT MESSAGE ************************************************ FINAL TERM EXAMINE WILL BE TAKEN IN THREE PARTS BETWEEN (MAY 26 to 28) PART 1: VOCABULARY TERMS PART 2: PROGRAMMING CODES Q1. The errors in the program are called: Syntax Bugs Mistakes Debugging Q2. _____________ is the process of translating source code into machine code is called: Compiling Executing Linking Debugging Python Programming Question: Q3. Write a program that takes 10 numbers from users and displays the smallest number among them. Hint: min() function See # creating empty list lis = [] # user enters the number of elements to put in list count=10 # iterating till count to append all input elements in list for n in range ( count ): number = int ( input ( 'Enter number: ' )) lis . append ( number ) # displaying smallest element print ( "Smallest element of the lis...

C Day English 3 A 8-9 A 8-9 Due 2:30 PM: 6 more songs DL- Do Now- May 20 Ms. Casella

English 3 A 8-9 A 8-9 Due 2:30 PM: 6 more songs DL- Do Now- May 20 Ms. Casella 7:48 AM Thursday 1) Beginning life in the promised land of New York turned out to be much harder than the migrants had imagined.  Claude  -- known as Sonny to his friends and in the book -- was expelled from school at 8, admitted to a street gang at 9, shot in the leg during a burglary at 13 and confined to a reform school at 14. 2) Sonny's overall Personality: Although Sonny spends his teen years committing various crimes and being sent to reform schools, he is smart enough to realize that this behavior will lead to a permanent criminal record. He also sees that his gang friends tend to end up in prison, strung out on drugs, or dead, like his female friend Sugar and his younger brother Pimp.   3) Sonny's Friend's personality:  A major positive influence in the book is Danny, a heroin addict who constantly warns Sonny against drug use and eventually gets clean himself and...

B Day US History Urbankowski Final Review Do Now Due 2:30 PM

Due 2:30 PM DL-FinalExam-Outline 100 points Assignments Daniel Urbankowski Telescoping the Times.pdf WritingGuide.doc Final Exam Preparation - Outline This week we will finish preparing for the Final Exam/Portfolio, which will be due next week, and which I've attached to this Do Now along with the course Writing Guide and Telescoping the Times packet. Now that you have a first draft of your thesis statement as well as first drafts of your three body paragraphs, we can proceed to organizing, revising, and editing a first draft of your completed essay, which counts for an Assignment grade today (this is the only Distance Learning task for today; there is no Do Now). To complete today's assignment, simply complete the following outline by filling in ALL of the necessary components, which I've designated via bullet points, then pasting and submitting your COMPLETED OUTLINE as a response to this assignment. Since we've already completed first drafts of ou...

B Day Bio Do Now Benedict Organism Class comments Approved or Adjustment needed

Frederick Benedict 8:00 AM Look over the private comments from the last class. Was your organism approved or did it require adjustments ? Provide the organism name or adjusted name. END DO NOW CLASS 8:03 AM Read the content #24 assignment and answer the question for your Final/Project/ Portfolio. This is part 2 of your final portfolio project. Refer to the rubric given in DL content 23 if needed. Name_____________________ Biology Final Portfolio/ Project Part II: Discuss the orgaisim according to what is being asked below, make sure to reflect on your knowledge from the class Check your comments on DL-Content #3 , make sure your organism received positive feedback and consider recommendations made prior to proceeding. Make sure to use the organism you picked last class. Categories A and B: A: Classification of the organism Taxonomy: Use the Linnaean system of classification to classify your organism below:  B: Evolution: What did your organism evolve f...

B day Pre-cal Mr. Mui Do Now

Tue 5/19 “B”  Day  READ CAREFULLY: * You STILL have to do DoNows EVERY DAY we have class since this is how we take attendance. * Part 2 of your final ( PROBLEMS ) has been assigned.  You have until this Friday, May 22, 2:30pm to complete it and turn it in.  IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MANAGE YOUR TIME and TO TURN IT IN ON TIME!!    ****   CHEATING WILL RESULT in a ZERO (see below).   **** * Some of you continue to cheat by copying work (or giving it to) others.  You will BOTH earn zeros and this could result in you failing for the YEAR.   It is YOUR responsibility; accept the consequences of any poor decisions. DO NOW :  5/18A&5/19B: Math YOU used recently at home ANSWER the following with a COMPLETE paragraph.  Use good grammar and spelling.   One or two sentences is NOT sufficient.  “I didn’t use any math” is NOT acceptable - think of something!  Describe a REAL example of using MATH...

A Day Computer Science Manzoor DL 17 due 2:30 PM

IMPORTANT MESSAGE ************************************************ FINAL TERM EXAMINE WILL BE TAKEN IN THREE PARTS BETWEEN (MAY 26 to 28) PART 1: VOCABULARY TERMS PART 2: PROGRAMMING CODES Q1 . A set of instruction given to the computer is called: Hardware Software Computer language Computer tricks Q2 . The programming languages that are close to human language are called: Low level language Machine language High level language Assembly language Python Programming Question: Write a program that prints a random number from 1 to 100. Hint: Using randint () function Hints: See code below, try changing r1 = random.randint(0, 10) to r1 = random.randint(1, 100) Code #1 : filter_none edit play_arrow brightness_4 # Python3 program explaining work # of randint() function   # imports random module import random   # Generates a random number between # a given positive range r1 = random.ran...