Math Pre-Calc Probability and Combinations Quiz Mr. Mui

QUIZ: “Probability & Combinations QUIZ”

100 points
Andrew Mui 8:00 AM
Tue 3/24/2020 (“B” day)
QUIZ: “Probability & Combinations QUIZ”

This lesson/QUIZ must be done as well.

Again, you may simply make a copy of the assignment, show YOUR work and final answers and turn it in; others have taken a picture of their notebook or their calculation showing their handwritten work & answers. Either method is acceptable but must be submitted/turned-in via Google Classroom. If you didn’t do the DO NOW, make sure you go back and do it (need for attendance & a grade).

Tue 3/24/2020, in addition to the “Do Now/Quiz Review”, you will also have a QUIZ on probability, combinations, as well as other SAT-type problems.
Tue 3/24/2020  (“A” day & “B” day) 
QUIZ:   “Probability & Combinations QUIZ”
This lesson/QUIZ must be done as well.  Problems on future quizzes, tests, and the final will be from some of these lessons, so please take your remote learning  and work very seriously. IF INSTRUCTED, you also need to submit classwork to be graded. Again, you may simply make a copy of the assignment, show YOUR work and final answers and turn it in; others have taken a picture of their notebook or their calculation showing their handwritten CLASSWORK work & answers.  Either method is acceptable but must be submitted/turned-in via Google Classroom. If you didn’t do the DO NOW, make sure you go back and do it (need for attendance & a grade).

QUIZ: Answer the following questions CAREFULLY.  Show ALL calculations; do NOT just give final answer.  You may leave answers as reduced fractions. If any answers are not integers, round to ONE decimal place.

1) Alexa has 3 pairs of Nikes, 2 pairs of Converse, 1 pair of vans; she has 10 t-shirts, 2 polos;  6 pairs of jeans, 5 pairs of sweatpants, 6 pairs of shorts.
If she can only wear ONE footwear, ONE bottom, and ONE top, how many possible combinations are there?    Answer:  _________ 

2) Lebron has 17 pairs of sneakers, 2 pairs of clogs/slides, 3 pairs of shoes; he has 25 t-shirts and 5 tank tops; 7 pairs of jeans, 8 pairs of basketball shorts.
If he can only wear ONE footwear, ONE bottom, and ONE top, how many possible combinations are there?    Answer:  _________ 

3 a) What is the probability of getting both 3’s when you roll two dice?    
Answer:  _________ 
b) Sonya rolls two dice, what is the probability of the total equalling exactly nine?   Answer:  _________ 

4) What is the probability of getting all fives when you roll three dice?   
Answer:  _________ 
5) Jean-Pierre’s wallet has seven quarters, four dimes, three nickels and 15 pennies.  What is the probability of him randomly selecting a coin at least equal to ten cents? Answer:  _________ 

6) Rosemary took four quizzes and one test so far.  The test is worth twice a quiz. Her average is 83. She has only ONE more quiz before the marking period ends.  What grade does she need to finish the marking period with an 85? Answer:  _________ 
7) Billy has four pairs of glasses, three pairs of headphones, two mustang sweatshirts.  What are the unique combinations possible? Answer:  _________ 

8) Dunkin’:  DONUT (20 different ones);  DRINK (8 different ones). You may pick one donut and one drink.  How many combinations are there? Answer:  _________ 

9) YOU  took six quizzes and two tests so far.   Tests are worth twice a quiz. Your average is 84 so far.  You have to take the final. The final is equivalent to two tests.  Is it possible for you to finish the year with a grade of exactly 87?  What do you have to get on the final for this to happen? Answer:  _________ 

10) Hector has six episodes of a show to catch up on before the show comes back on to finish the season.  IF (not realistic) he can watch these five episodes in ANY order, how many possible combinations are there? Answer:  _________ 


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