Differentiate RAM and ROM Computer memory. Random-access memory (or simply RAM ) is the memory or information storage in a computer that is used to store running programs and data for the programs. Data (information) in the RAM can be read and written quickly in any order. Normally, the random access memory is in the form of computer chips. Short for read-only memory , ROM is a storage medium that is used with computers and other electronic devices. As the name indicates, data stored in ROM may only be read. ... Unlike RAM (random access memory ), ROM is non-volatile, which means it keeps its contents regardless of whether or not it has power. Notes before quiz https://data-flair.training/blogs/python-operator/ QUIZ Evaluate the expressions. int a,b,c,d,p float v,w,x,y,z Values of variables are: a=2 z=1.3 c=1 d=3 y=0.3 S# Expression Calculation Result 1 v=a*...
Today is Thu 4/30 A or Fri 5/1 B Day MOST of you are putting in good effort everyday. That’s GREATTT!!! ...but some of you are not: * Some of you are still copying OR giving answers to each other! PLEASE do not email me to ask “why did you give me an F ?” << this is what YOU chose to earn ! ** some are just randomly hitting some letters on your keyboards, such as “ASDFGH” etc. (EVEN THOUGH your answer should be a number!!) *** some are making up answers, such as “123456” **** some are just writing something inappropriate and not even submitting any work or answers THIS means some of you are NOT earning ANY points at all! YOU are choosing to receive a ZERO, and (if it’s the DoNow) YOU are choosing to be marked ABSENT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - DO YOUR WORK. IT IS FOR YOUR SAKE!!!! Thank you. DO NOW : Percent DECREASE (sales items!) DO NOW Percent Increase and Decrease calculati...
Due 2:30 PM DL-Do Now and Assignment- Career Research-May 26 Ms. Casella 7:34 AM Students, As Marking Period 4 is about to be over, I wanted to give you a chance to explore some career options so you have an idea of what you will be doing after you graduate. For this week, we will focus on what you want to be when you grow up. I am allowing you to see each other's answers so you all have some idea of other options. Today's Questions: 1- What is your ideal career? 2- What is the average salary for your career? This website can help you. https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nj.htm
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