
Showing posts from October, 2019

Life Skills Mr. Geist Writing a Thesis Statement

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Classes Teachers

Study Skills Class A7_11th_Grade_Mr_Geist_Room_211 United States History II B 4-5 Mr. Urbanowski Engish 3 Siddharth Sharma Pre-Calcuus Leke Gashi Biology I B 8,9 Mr. Benedict Intro to Computer Science P4(A,C)P5(A)  Bilal Manzoor Art Ms. Latessa

Intro to Computer Science Do Now 11 Teacher Bilal Manzoor

Please email answers to the teacher directly or Home Instructor will pick up and deliver hard copies. Thank you. 1.What is the error of the following code? Print (“METS Charter School”) 2. Name the following operators used in computer language. (a)            = (b)            != (c)            == (d)             > 3.What is the output of the following code? print(“Wel\ncome”) 4.What is the output of the following program? print(5+5*80/5)

Bio Early Evolution of Earth Mr. Benedict

US History II Chapter 14 a New Industrial Age Assessment Mr. Urbanowski

Chapter 14 (A New Industrial Age) Assessment Oct 22 Chapter 14 – A New Industrial Age Using specific evidence and details from class, compose a properly formatted essay in response to the following prompt in complete sentences. What impact did scientific discoveries and manufacturing processes have on the nature of work, the American labor movement, and American businesses? • What developments fueled industrialization? • Describe the growth and development of the rail industry and what impact it had. • How did the government try to regulate business? What happened to these efforts? • Describe working conditions of the time and union-management relations.